April 14, 2024

Grace and Truth - who He is


Lordship - what we need to choose

Lordship - what we need to choose

The Gospel and the Kingdom is the message of Jesus. These things are not two different messages, but one unified proclamation that invites people to put Jesus on the throne of their lives... The Good News is He is the conquering King, and accepting His Kingship means everything changes

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Sanctification - what He's doing

Sanctification - what He's doing

The Gospel and the Kingdom is the message of Jesus. These things are not two different messages, but one unified proclamation that invites people to put Jesus on the throne of their lives... The Good News is He is the conquering King, and accepting His Kingship means everything changes

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Sin - who we are

Sin - who we are

The Gospel and the Kingdom is the message of Jesus. These things are not two different messages, but one unified proclamation that invites people to put Jesus on the throne of their lives... The Good News is He is the conquering King, and accepting His Kingship means everything changes

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